Classic Steak & Cheese Pie
Kiwis love “a day at the cricket”. A few hours off work, the sun on your back, a hot Steak and Cheese Pie in your hand and giving the Aussies an earful for their dodgy underarm action.
200g Net

Classic Steak Bacon & Cheese Pie
You can’t go hunting in a Suzuki Swift. You’re going to need a real 4WD – something big enough to hold a deckload of Steak, Bacon & Cheese Pies on the way out, and the deer that you didn’t actually shoot but accidentally ran over on the drive back home. Never come home empty handed, eh?… “good on ya mate”.
200g Net

Classic Steak & Mushroom Pie
It’s Friday night and we’re “off to the wop-wops!”. A toothbrush, jandals, a pair of togs and a caravan loaded with good old Steak and Mushroom Pies is pretty much all you’ll need to see you through the weekend. Get away from it all.
200g Net

Classic Mince Pie
Gumboots, stubbies, singlet, bucket hat… that’s your classic Kiwi cocky. Shearing a sheep with one hand, holding a steaming Mince Pie in the other, all while watching the ABs on the TV and changing a flat on the old Massey…“sweet as bro”.
200g Net

Classic Mince & Cheese Pie
We were the first to add cheese to a meat pie in New Zealand. We had a lightbulb moment and thought it would be “a choice idea”, and obviously so did you, because Mince and Cheese is now New Zealand’s No.1 selling pie.
200g Net

Classic Potato Top Pie
A piping-hot Potato Top Pie straight from the oven has got a bit of a kick. A great big kick in fact. A great big, last minute, “YES you little beauty”, right between the posts to win the World Cup sort of kick.
220g Net

Butter Chicken Pie
Everyone wears jandals, not fancy footwear, in sunny Hawke’s Bay where we have our HQ. However when we’re baking our pies it’s white gummies and funny hats mate, no “she’ll be right” when it comes to quality and definitely no “she’ll be right” when it comes to our Butter Chicken Pies which have to be the best.
180g Net

Classic Bacon & Egg Pie
New Zealand has over 14,000 km of coastline… no wonder we all love “weekends at the beach”. Wearing our budgie smugglers, playing cricket, surfing, chilling under the brolly and when it’s time for lunch brushing the sand off your Bacon and Egg Pie.
160g Net

Classic Chilli Beef & Cheese Pie
Who needs to go to Mexico to get some spice in your life, just tuck into a few Chilli Beef and Cheese Pies, and watch things quickly heat up! Chilli out bro, kiwi style!
200g Net

Classic Sausage Roll
Long & Thin
It’s ‘Kiwi As’ building sandcastles on the beach – until you get bored and start burying your Dad instead. He’s all “yeah, brilliant… give it heaps!”… until the tide starts coming in!
110g Net

Classic Big Sausage Roll
Really Long & Sorta Fat
Wellies, billy boots, top boots, Alaskan Sneakers… “Woteva Treva”! They’ll always be gumboots to us Kiwis. Wear them with everything from stubbies to tuxedos, but always accessorise with a BIG sausage roll.
150g Net

Classic Kransky Roll
Really, Really Long & Tasty
“Chur”, kiwi slang for awesome, cool or sweet as. BUT when it comes to our Kransky Rolls it could mean anything. Like ‘sorry bro none left’ or ‘nah I didn’t eat yours’ or ‘hey some bugger pinched yours’! Whatever you say, we say ‘chur and happy kranskying!
100g Net

We Are The Goodtime Pie Co.
North Island
The Goodtime Pie Co. NORTH Ltd.
35 Turner Place, Onekawa
PO Box 3341
Napier 4142
New Zealand.
South Island
The Goodtime Pie Co. SOUTH Ltd.
27 Buchanans Road, Sockburn
PO Box 11308
Christchurch 8443
New Zealand.
Let’s Chat
0800 466 384